If you and your ex have just broken up, I really feel for
you. I have been there many times, but I have learned over the years that I
made a lot of mistakes when I was trying to get my exs to come back to me. Most
people make these mistakes, and the reason is because when someone breaks up
with you, you are not prepared for it, and therefore your emotions kick in and
make you panic. You try everything that you can to get your ex back, including
pleading with them, begging them, and often getting a little crazy too. This is
because we don't know what else to do, and if it's a surprise to you then it
can be even worse. The thing is, when we are caught in this emotional panic it
just makes things a lot worse, because we are letting our ex see us in a whole
new light. The chances of the two of you getting back together may have been
pretty good after they broke up with you, but if you let your emotions control
you then you may have ruined any chance that you had of getting them back. When
our ex see us in our emotional state it will most times make them want to avoid
us, and because of the way we act, they may never want to be around us again.
This obviously can be very costly if you wanted them back, but now it's too
late. Are you looking to learn how to stop a divorce?
So what things should you avoid?
Avoid Panicking When They Break Up With You
Now obviously this is easier said than done, but if you
cannot control your emotions when you are around them it can definitely put an
end to any chance that you have of getting them back. One thing that I will
recommend is that once they break up with you try to get out of their company
as soon as you can. Act calm, and be polite to them, and try to not let them
see that you are upset- try to get out of there as soon as possible, so that
you can deal with your emotions without being around them. When you have calmed
down and don't feel vulnerable, you can be with them again.
Don't Disagree With Them About the Relationship
When they are telling you why the relationship didn't work-
or what wasn't working for them- agree with them. If they tell you that you are
not communicating, agree with them. The same goes for if they tell you that
they aren't happy. Arguing with them about the relationship will definitely not
help- and agreeing shows that you are being mature as well as level headed.
This alone can help you to get them back because it shows that you are open to
change and are willing to do something about it. If you tell them that you were
happy and that you didn't see any problems then that tells them that you were
content with the relationship, and don't see any reason to change.